Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday, solidarity with the captive prisoner Marwan Barghouti.

 Bil'in - Palestine 6/4/2012.
Dozens of cases of suffocation from the poison gas in the village of Bil'in west of Ramallah.

Dozens of cases of suffocation by poison gas were marked in the weekly march which organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in and settlements, the march come in solidarity with the prisoner leader Marwan Barghouti, who was isolated by the prison administration, and with the prisoners on hunger strike. The demonstration included participation of two delegations from Norway in addition to the residents of Bil'in, international and Israeli peace activists.

The march began after Friday prayers from the center of the village heading to land which was liberated a few months ago. Participants raised Palestinian flags, yellow banners drawing with a picture of the leader Marwan Barghouti, and they chanted slogans calling for national unity, slogans calling for destruction of the apartheid wall and for the departure of the occupation, slogans calling for freedom for Palestinian prisoners, and they call on Palestinians to remain faithful of Palestinian constants.
  Upon the arrival of participants to Abu Lemon area, they made some holes then they were able to break through the barbed wire, then the soldiers Who were situated behind the concrete wall shot rubber bullets, stun grenades, tear gas and waste water mixed with chemicals towards the participants which caused dozens of injuries cases of suffocation, all of them were treated on the ground. Some of the participants threw stones to the soldiers Who were behind the wall.

For its part, The Popular Committee condemned the Israeli Practices against the prisoner Marwan Barghouti, prisoners on hunger strike and the policy of administrative detention, and it also called the society
institutions and human rights to stop the racist policies against the all Palestinian prisoners.

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