Bil'in - Palestine.
Dozens of injuries from cases of severe tear gas inhalation in the village of Bil'in west of Ramallah.
Dozens were Wounded in cases of suffocation by tear gas in the weekly march which was organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in, this march came a revival of the resistance week of the Israeli apartheid against the Palestinian people , as well as supporting the Palestinian prisoners, and the anniversary 18 of the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, the march including participation of a delegation from the Arab Palestinian Liberation Front from Ramallah represented by Salim Hamdan and Khalid Sakr, a French delegation, a Belgian delegation, people of Bil'in , Israeli and international peace activists.
The march began after Friday prayers from the center of the village heading to the land which was liberated last June, participants raised Palestinian flags and banners of the Palestinian movements, some of participants wore masks on their heads colored with Palestinian flag, they chanted slogans calling for national unity , slogans calling to the departure of the occupation , destruction of the apartheid wall , calling for freedom of Palestinian prisoners and they called the Muslims, Arabs as well as Palestinians to support Jerusalem and al aqsa mosque.
Upon the arrival to Abu Lemon area the participants were able to cut the barbed wire and to break through it, then the soldiers Who were situated behind the concrete wall shot rubber bullets , stun grenades and tear gas density toward the participants, television crews (specially Palestine TV crew) and ambulance, which resulted the injury of dozens of protesters cases of suffocation, then some of the youth threw stones to the soldiers.
For its part, the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in denounced the enter of the occupation forces and settlers to al-Aqsa mosque and called on Muslims , Arabs and
Palestinians to immediately intervene against these schemes.
Dozens of injuries from cases of severe tear gas inhalation in the village of Bil'in west of Ramallah.
Dozens were Wounded in cases of suffocation by tear gas in the weekly march which was organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in, this march came a revival of the resistance week of the Israeli apartheid against the Palestinian people , as well as supporting the Palestinian prisoners, and the anniversary 18 of the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, the march including participation of a delegation from the Arab Palestinian Liberation Front from Ramallah represented by Salim Hamdan and Khalid Sakr, a French delegation, a Belgian delegation, people of Bil'in , Israeli and international peace activists.
The march began after Friday prayers from the center of the village heading to the land which was liberated last June, participants raised Palestinian flags and banners of the Palestinian movements, some of participants wore masks on their heads colored with Palestinian flag, they chanted slogans calling for national unity , slogans calling to the departure of the occupation , destruction of the apartheid wall , calling for freedom of Palestinian prisoners and they called the Muslims, Arabs as well as Palestinians to support Jerusalem and al aqsa mosque.
Upon the arrival to Abu Lemon area the participants were able to cut the barbed wire and to break through it, then the soldiers Who were situated behind the concrete wall shot rubber bullets , stun grenades and tear gas density toward the participants, television crews (specially Palestine TV crew) and ambulance, which resulted the injury of dozens of protesters cases of suffocation, then some of the youth threw stones to the soldiers.
For its part, the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in denounced the enter of the occupation forces and settlers to al-Aqsa mosque and called on Muslims , Arabs and
Palestinians to immediately intervene against these schemes.